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How does criminal identity theft happen Form: What You Should Know

What To Do After Identity Theft. If you believe you are a victim of criminal identity theft, see below. How To Report Thefts If you believe someone is using someone else's personal information to commit a crime, ask the police to investigate. When an incident occurs, let the person know what has happened, so they can take measures to avoid it being repeated. To contact the local police station, call the following number: If a crime is being reported, notify the police immediately.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How does criminal identity theft happen

Instructions and Help about How does criminal identity theft happen

Hello everyone, this is Greg with InfoUSA One. This is a very quick video to answer a question that gets searched for a lot, and that is: how does identity theft happen? Now, by now most of us are pretty sure what identity theft is. The statistics are very alarming - every year, there are over 13 million people who fall victim to identity theft in the United States, and the numbers are growing each year. So, here are five fairly simple but still the most common ways that it happens. The first is an old-fashioned purse snatching, pickpocketing, or lifting your wallet, etc. Years ago, people would just get the cash and throw everything away. Nowadays, they're looking for any kind of information that they can use to open up a brand new account in your name. The next is simply going through the trash. Now, we're all guilty of throwing away credit card statements, monthly bank statements, without giving it another thought. But there's a phenomenon called dumpster diving, and that's where people will literally go through an apartment complex, office buildings, or some kind of community dumpster looking for information. It is recommended that you get a fairly inexpensive paper shredder for your home and run those items through the paper shredder before you throw them away. Next is still very low-tech, and that's just people stealing things directly out of your mail. It is recommended that anything that offers you a paperless option, like bank statements or credit card statements, if they offer to send those to your email, you should opt in and quit getting them in the mail to begin with. Things like Social Security payments or any kind of check that you're expecting, you should opt for direct deposit and stop getting those paper...