Music amen, we're coming out of a toxic relationship. If you feel empty, perhaps drained or very much fatigued, do you find yourself saying things like, "I don't really know what to do in this situation" or "I don't know" or "I simply can't handle this any longer"? Perhaps you even have said to yourself or others, "You know, I don't really know how I even got to the place that I'm at and, quite frankly, I don't even know where I am." Do you no longer recognize yourself and can't even describe who you are any longer? Well, you could be the victim of what we call narcissistic identity theft. Hi, I'm Robert and thanks for stopping by my YouTube channel. If you're a subscriber, I want to say thanks for subscribing. And if you're not a subscriber, I encourage you to consider subscribing by clicking on the subscribe button below. Also, if after watching this video, you find that you enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up and perhaps share it with others so that we can get people the help that they need. You know, narcissistic identity theft has a lot of information out there. But it has two most common looks: swapping identity and removing identity. Today, I want to talk about these two things specifically as it pertains to narcissistic identity theft. As a life coach and a deliverance minister, I am finding that many people, specifically those who have been in remarried relationships for years (I'm talking about 20 and thirty years), are suffering from narcissistic identity theft. It is leaving people in a place where their whole life becomes valueless, and that shouldn't happen. So, what is this narcissistic identity theft? First and foremost, when we talk about swapping, it's where a narcissist (let's just say...
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Medical identity theft description Form: What You Should Know
In this brief, a person Medical Identity Theft: Tips and Resources Medical identity theft is the unauthorized use of your personally identifiable health information (PHI) by a person who does not have the patient's consent. First Aid for Medical Identity Theft — NC Justice Center In medical identity theft, a person gets your PHI and gives it to someone else. This may be done on the telephone, electronically, with someone else in person, or as a document filed in a state or federal database of health information. See: Information about medical identity theft. How To Investigate Identity Theft in Your State | NC For more information. Medical Identity Theft: What Victims Need to Know (FCC) For more information. The Hidden Costs of Medical Fraud | NC Justice Center For more information. Health Services Fraud and Identity Theft: A Primer ​ ​ Who is most at risk for medical identity theft? People who: Are not protected by health insurance (they don't know about medical insurance until they get sick) Work in hospitals, clinics, physician offices, nursing homes, emergency, hospice or ambulatory care, drug and alcohol treatment centers Do not have an adequate understanding of their rights and liabilities under health insurance policies to be able to negotiate their own plan's fine print, to know what to ask their plan's administrator for, how to apply for benefits, or even how to fill out the application process. If you're worried about what someone could do to you, visit Your Identity: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself. How many people are affected by medical fraud? According to government estimates, the total cost of health insurance fraud is estimated at 17 billion annually. However, the costs only include a small portion of the total and exclude fraud at private health insurance companies. In addition, estimates from states indicate that an estimated 45,000 to 57,000 people in the United States are currently victims of medical and health care fraud. Why is healthcare fraud so costly? Medical healthcare companies are required to use fraud experts for every insurance claim or Medicare payment. Insurance fraud experts review the claim to ensure that it matches information in their databases for payment. They take into account the number of providers and services on the claims and determine if the claims amount reflects the cost of the healthcare services rendered. The following facts should help to put into perspective the enormous amounts of money lost in healthcare fraud.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Medical identity theft description