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How can medical identity theft occur Form: What You Should Know

What To Do If Someone Puts A Stolen Credit Card Onto Your Credit Card Account, And That Financial Institution Sends It To The Feds.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How can medical identity theft occur

Instructions and Help about How can medical identity theft occur

Deborah Ford had a totally clean record. However, after a thief stole her purse and used her insurance card to obtain opioid drugs, she found herself in a difficult situation. A warrant was issued for her arrest. At the time, she was a 59-year-old lady who had never been arrested before. Suddenly, she faced numerous charges. Consumer reports warn that medical identity theft can lead to various problems. When a thief gains access to one's medical identity, they can exploit it to obtain expensive surgeries and medical goods such as wheelchairs. This can result in accumulating bills and charges that may persist for years, severely impacting one's credit score. According to the Medical Identity Fraud Alliance, having your medical records intertwined with those of criminals can lead to misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment. To protect oneself, it is crucial to always keep copies of your medical records. This way, if a thief tries to tamper with them, you will have proof of alteration. Additionally, it is essential to review your medical records at least once a year to ensure their accuracy. Carefully read every benefit notice received from your insurance company and promptly report any suspicious activities. In the event of losing your health insurance card, it is advisable to request a new ID number and a replacement card as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it took Deborah Ford five years and $1500 in legal fees to finally clear her name from the charges brought against her. This text has been divided into sentences, and grammar mistakes have been corrected.